2.5 Xplained Pro Standard Extension Header
The PIC32CK SG01/GC01 Curiosity Ultra development board has two Xplained Pro compatible interfaces that enable the use of existing expansion boards. Each interface consists of a dual-row, 30-pin, 100 mil, 90 degree extension male header, while Xplained Pro extensions have their female counterparts. The extension headers can be used to connect a variety of Xplained Pro extension boards or to access the pins of the target MCU directly.
The pinout description for the Xplained Pro Standard Extension Header1 and Header 2 are listed in the following tables.
Pin number | Name | Description | Port |
1 | ID_EXT1 | Communication line to the ID chip on an extension board | Connected to PKoB4 |
2 | GND | Ground | - |
3 | ADC0(+) | Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), alternatively positive part of differential ADC | PA04 |
4 | ADC0(-) | Analog-to-digital converter, alternatively negative part of differential ADC | PA05 |
5 | GPIO1 | General purpose I/O | PD18 |
6 | GPIO2 | General purpose I/O | PC26 |
7 | PWMH1 | High-Side PWM | PC01 |
8 | PWML1 | Low-Side PWM | PC02 |
9 | GPIO3 | General purpose I/O | PC19 |
10 | GPIO4 | General purpose I/O | PB15 |
11 | SDA2 | Data line for I2C interface. Always implemented, bus type | PB09 |
12 | SCL2 | Clock line for I2C interface. Always implemented, bus type. | PB10 |
13 | RX2 | Receiver line of target device UART | PB22 |
14 | TX2 | Transmitter line of target device UART. | PB21 |
15 | SS2 | SPI Select or General purpose I/O | PC14 |
16 | MOSI | Host Out Client In (MOSI) line of serial peripheral interface. Always implemented, bus type. | PC15 |
17 | MISO | Host In Client Out (MISO) line of serial peripheral interface. Always implemented, bus type. | PC17 |
18 | SCK2 | Clock for serial peripheral interface. Always implemented, bus type | PC16 |
19 | GND | Ground | - |
20 | VCC | Power for extension boards (3.3V) | - |
Pin number | Name | Description | Port/Pin |
1 | ID_EXT2 | Communication line to the ID chip on an extension board | Connected to PKoB4 |
2 | GND | Ground | - |
3 | ADC1(+) | Analog-to-digital converter, alternatively positive part of differential ADC | PA06 |
4 | ADC1(-) | Analog-to-digital converter, alternatively negative part of differential ADC | PA07 |
5 | GPIO5 | General purpose I/O | PC27 |
6 | GPIO6 | General purpose I/O | PC18 |
7 | PWMH2 | High-Side PWM | PB07 |
8 | PWML2 | Low-Side PWM | PB08 |
9 | GPIO7 | General purpose I/O | PC29 |
10 | GPIO8 | General purpose I/O | PC28 |
11 | SDA2 | Data line for I2C interface. Always implemented, bus type | PB09 |
12 | SCL2 | Clock line for I2C interface. Always implemented, bus type. | PB10 |
13 | RX2 | Receiver line of target device UART | PD14 |
14 | TX2 | Transmitter line of target device UART. | PD13 |
15 | SS3 | SPI Client Select or General purpose I/O | PC23 |
16 | MOSI | Host Out Client In (MOSI) line of serial peripheral interface. Always implemented, bus type. | PC15 |
17 | MISO | Host In Client Out (MISO) line of serial peripheral interface. Always implemented, bus type. | PC17 |
18 | SCK2 | Clock for serial peripheral interface. Always implemented, bus type | PC16 |
19 | GND | Ground | - |
20 | VCC | Power for extension boards (3.3V) | - |
- The PWMH2 and PWML2 pins (i.e., pin 7 and pin 8) share functionality with D9 and D10 of the Arduino Header or with QI1 and QI2 of the PDEC, depending on the position of the jumper on J303 and J304.