2.12 PICKit™ On-Board 4

The MPLAB® PICkit On-Board 4 (PKoB4) is a new generation In-Circuit Debugger. The MPLAB PKoB4 programs faster than its predecessor and is designed to use a high-speed 2.0 USB interface, which provides a feature rich debugging experience through one USB cable. The PKoB4 is intended to support programming, debugging, and a Data Gateway interface.

The MPLAB PKoB4 In-Circuit Debugger is compatible with these platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows®7 or later
  • Linux®
  • macOS®

The MPLAB PKoB4 In-Circuit Debugger system provides the following advantages:


  • Connects to computer through high-speed USB 2.0 (480 Mbits) cable
  • Programs devices using MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IPE
  • Supports multiple hardware and software breakpoints, stopwatch, and source code file debugging
  • Debugs the application in real time
  • Sets break points based on internal events
  • Monitors internal file registers
  • Debugs at full-speed
  • Configures pin drivers
  • Virtual COM support, which can establish UART communication between the Host PC and the target device using the following UART Configuration:
    • Baud rate: 115,200 bps
    • Only 8-bit character format
    • No hardware flow control
    • One stop-bit
  • Field-upgradeable through an MPLAB X IDE firmware download
  • Adds new device support and features by installing the latest version of MPLAB X IDE (available as a free download at https://www.microchip.com/mplabx/)
  • Indicates debugger status through on-board LEDs


  • More and faster memory
  • A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)
  • No firmware download delays incurred when switching devices
  • A 32-bit MCU running at 300 MHz