2.8 X32 Audio Connectivity

The PIC32CK SG01/GC01 Curiosity Ultra development board provides an audio connection through the X32 interface to the two main audio modules in the chip, such as the SSC and the I2S. On this board the SSC interface is considered as the main audio interface as show in the following figure.

There is a 32-pin interface to the board to support the audio codec, DACs, and Bluetooth radios. This interface has two audio supply interfaces, such as the SSC and the I2S. In addition to this, other control lines and data interfaces are available.

Figure 2-4. X32 Audio Connector
Table 2-9. X32 Audio Interface Pin Description
XC-32 Pin NumberXC-32Pin NameDescriptionPort
3UART_RXUART RX, MCU receive from DBPB22
4UART_CTSUART Clear to SendPA28
5UART_TXUART TX, transmit from MCU to DBPB21
6UART_RTSUART Request to SendPA26
7I2C_SCLClock line for I2C interfacePB10
8STBY/RST_BStandby/Reset controlPC20
9I2C_SDAData line for I2C interfacePB09
10DMM/I2S_WSAudio Word Select/ Left Right ClockPD13
11I2S0_DINAudio into MCU, out from CODECPD16
12I2S0_SCKAudio clockPD14
13I2S0_DOUTAudio out of MCU, in to CODEC/DACPD17
14I2S0_MCLKReference clock #1PC05
17NCLegacy hold over-
18VCC_P3V33.3 VDC Power Rail-
19NCLegacy hold over-
20VCC_P5V05.0 VDC Power Rail-
21 (1)I2S1_WSAudio Word Select/ Left Right Clock-
22 (2)ID_3Analog-to-Digital Converter to read voltage on the daughter card-
23 (3)I2S1_SCKAudio Clock-
24 (4)ADCADC channelPA09
25 (5)I2S1_DINAudio into MCU, out from CODEC-
26 (6)NC--
27 (7)I2S1_DOUTAudio out of MCU, into CODEC/DAC-
28 (8)NC--
29 (9)I2S1_MCLKReference clock #2-
30 (10)NC--
31 (11)GNDGND-
32 (12)GNDGND-