2.13 Recovery Method

If the PKoB4 becomes unresponsive, follow these steps to recover the tool:

  1. With the PIC32CK SG01/GC01 Curiosity Ultra development board still powered, short the 2 pads for approximately 10 seconds.
    Figure 2-5. PKoB EBR Reset
  2. Open the latest version of MPLAB X IDE.
  3. Click on the Projects tab and then select the project.
  4. From the main menu, click Debug, the Debug Project properties page will be displayed.
  5. Select Hardware Tool Emergency Boot Firmware Recovery.
    Figure 2-6. MPLAB X IDE Interface
  6. Follow the onscreen instructions to reset the tool to factory conditions.

For additional information on PKoB4, refer to the “MPLAB® PICkit4 User’s Guide" (DS50002751), which is available for download at the following location: ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/MPLAB%20PICkit%204%20ICD%20Users%20Guide%20DS50002751C.pdf