1.28.2 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

  • 12-bit Resolution with Enhanced Mode up to 16 bits

  • 1 Msps Conversion Rate

  • Digital Averaging Function providing Enhanced Resolution Mode up to 16 bits

  • On-chip Temperature Sensor Management

  • Selectable Single-Ended or Differential Input Voltage

  • Digital Correction of Offset and Gain Errors

  • Individual Enable and Disable of Each Channel

  • Hardware or Software Trigger

  • Drive of PWM Fault Input

  • DMA Support

  • Two Sleep Modes

  • Channel Sequence Customizing

  • Automatic Window Comparison of Converted Values

Using The Library

Interrupt mode:

#include <stddef.h>                     // Defines NULL
#include <stdbool.h>                    // Defines true
#include <stdlib.h>                     // Defines EXIT_FAILURE
#include "definitions.h"                // SYS function prototypes

#define ADC_VREF               (3.3f)

uint16_t adc_ch5_count, adc_ch6_count, adc_ch7_count;

float adc_ch5_voltage, adc_ch6_voltage, adc_ch7_voltage;

volatile bool result_ready = false;

/* This function is called after conversion of last channel in the user sequence */
void ADC_EventHandler(uint32_t interruptStatus, uint32_t eocInterruptStatus, uintptr_t context)
    /* Read the result of 3 channels*/
    adc_ch6_count = ADC_ChannelResultGet(ADC_CH6);
    adc_ch7_count = ADC_ChannelResultGet(ADC_CH7);
    adc_ch5_count = ADC_ChannelResultGet(ADC_CH5);
    result_ready = true;


// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
// Section: Main Entry Point
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    /* Register callback function for ADC end of conversion interrupt*/
    ADC_CallbackRegister(ADC_EventHandler, (uintptr_t)NULL);
    printf("\n\r                    ADC User Sequence Demo                 ");
    printf("CH5 Count  CH5 Voltage  CH6 Count  CH6 Voltage  CH7 Count  CH7 Voltage \n\r");           


    while ( true )
        /* Check if result is ready to be transmitted to console */
        if (result_ready == true)
            adc_ch6_voltage = (float)adc_ch6_count * ADC_VREF/4095U;
            adc_ch7_voltage = (float)adc_ch7_count * ADC_VREF/4095U;
            adc_ch5_voltage = (float)adc_ch5_count * ADC_VREF/4095U;
            printf("0x%03x      %0.2f V       0x%03x      %0.2f V       0x%03x      %0.2f V \t\r",
                    adc_ch5_count, adc_ch5_voltage, adc_ch6_count, adc_ch6_voltage, adc_ch7_count, adc_ch7_voltage);
            result_ready = false;

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Polling mode:

#include <stddef.h>                     // Defines NULL
#include <stdbool.h>                    // Defines true
#include <stdlib.h>                     // Defines EXIT_FAILURE
#include <stdio.h>
#include "definitions.h"                // SYS function prototypes

 ADC CH0 - PD19 - Connect to Vcc or GND

#define ADC_VREF               (3.3f)

uint16_t adc_count;
float input_voltage;

// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
// Section: Main Entry Point
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    printf("\n\r                    ADC Demo                 ");

    while (1)
        /* Start ADC conversion */

        /* Wait till ADC conversion result is available */


        /* Read the ADC result */
        adc_count = ADC_ChannelResultGet(ADC_CH5);
        input_voltage = (float)adc_count * ADC_VREF / 4095U;

        printf("ADC Count = 0x%03x, ADC Input Voltage = %0.2f V \r",adc_count, input_voltage);    
    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Library Interface

Analog-to-Digital Converter peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
ADCx_Initialize Initializes given instance of ADC peripheral
ADC_ChannelsEnable Enables the ADC channels
ADC_ChannelsDisable Disables the ADC channels
ADC_ChannelsInterruptEnable Enables the ADC interrupt sources
ADC_ChannelsInterruptDisable Disables the ADC interrupt sources
ADC_InterruptEnable This function enables the interrupts
ADC_InterruptDisable This function disables the interrupts
ADC_InterruptStatusGet Returns the status of ADC interrupt
ADCx_ConversionStart Starts the ADC conversion of all the enabled channels with the software trigger
ADC_ChannelResultIsReady Returns the status of the channel conversion
ADC_ChannelResultGet Reads the conversion result of the channel
ADC_ConversionSequenceSet Sets the user sequence of the channel conversion
ADCx_ComparisonWindowSet Sets Low threshold and High threshold in comparison window
ADC_ComparisonEventResultIsReady Returns the status of the Comparison event
ADC_ComparisonRestart Restart the comparison function
ADC_SleepModeEnable This function enables ADC sleep mode
ADC_SleepModeDisable This function disables ADC sleep mode
ADC_FastWakeupEnable This function enables ADC Fast Wakeup
ADC_FastWakeupDisable This function disables ADC Fast Wakeup
ADCx_CallbackRegister Registers the function to be called from interrupt

Data types and constants

Name Type Description
ADC_CHANNEL_MASK Enum Identifies ADC channel mask
ADC_CHANNEL_NUM Enum Identifies ADC channel number
ADC_INTERRUPT_EOC_MASK Enum Identifies EOC interrupt sources number
ADC_INTERRUPT_MASK Enum Identifies interrupt sources number
ADC_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the ADC peripheral callback function
ADC_CALLBACK_OBJECT Struct ADC Callback structure