1.26.19 Static Memory Controller (SMC)

The Static Memory Controller (SMC) generates the signals that control the access to the external memory devices or peripheral devices. It has 6 Chip Selects and a 26-bit address bus. The 32-bit data bus can be configured to interface with 8-, 16-, or 32-bit external devices. Separate read and write control signals allow for direct memory and peripheral interfacing. Read and write signal waveforms are fully parametrizable.

The SMC can manage wait requests from external devices to extend the current access. The SMC is provided with an automatic slow clock mode. In slow clock mode, it switches from user-programmed waveforms to slow-rate specific waveforms on read and write signals. The SMC supports asynchronous burst read in page mode access for page size up to 32 bytes.

Using The Library

Static Memory Controller (SMC) is initialized as configured in the MHC as part of System Initialization.

Library Interface

Static Memory Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
SMC_Initialize Initializes Static Memory Controller (SMC) interface
SMC_DataAddressGet Returns the External Bus Interface (EBI) address for the requested chip select number
SMC_CommandWrite Writes command to the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_CommandWrite16 Writes 16-bit command to the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_AddressWrite Writes address to the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_AddressWrite16 Writes 16-bit address to the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_DataWrite Writes data to the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_DataWrite16 Writes 16-bit data to the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_DataRead Reads data from the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_DataRead16 Reads 16-bit data from the External Bus Interface (EBI) address
SMC_CallbackRegister Sets the pointer to the function (and it's context) to be called when the given SMC's interrupt occurred
PMECC_CallbackRegister Sets the pointer to the function (and it's context) to be called when the given PMECC's interrupt occurred
PMERRLOC_CallbackRegister Sets the pointer to the function (and it's context) to be called when the given PMERRLOC's interrupt occurred
PMECC_DataPhaseStart Enables PMECC Write access and start data phase
PMECC_StatusIsBusy Returns PMECC busy status
PMECC_ErrorGet Returns PMECC error
PMECC_RemainderGet Returns PMECC remainder
PMECC_ECCGet Returns error correction code (ECC)
PMERRLOC_ErrorLocationGet Find and returns error location of memory
PMERRLOC_ErrorLocationDisable Disables error location of memory
PMERRLOC_SigmaSet Set sigma value to the PMERRLOC register
PMERRLOC_ErrorLocationFindNumOfRoots Find the number of roots using PMERRLOC acceleration

Data types and constants

Name Type Description
SMC_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the SMC peripheral callback function
PMECC_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the PMECC peripheral callback function
PMERRLOC_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the PMERRLOC peripheral callback function