Sending Values from Output Widget to Input Widget

A new setting and icon has been added for input widgets. This drop down allows the widget to select an output widget to read data from. Only output widgets can be selected from this drop down, as only these can be sources. Selectable widgets are displayed as their widget ID and the selected widget is highlighted in blue.

Figure 4-58. Widget ID Dropdown Menu

The widget ID can be found by hovering over widget in edit mode. It is also shown in a new settings group called "Widget," shown both in the widget settings panel and in the settings popover on the widget controls. The widget ID cannot be edited.

Only one output widget can be connected at a time to an input widget. To disconnect a widget, select "None" from the widget ID drop down menu.

When value of the output widget is changed, it should be reflected in the input widget. For example, if a slider output widget is connected to a label input widget, the slider value will be reflected in the label. If units are required for the label, this can be added to the label by editing the string format value for the label.