2.3.1 MPLAB X IDE Plugin

The MPLAB Data Visualizer plugin is now part of MPLAB X IDE as of v5.50. Please see the release notes about MPLAB version dependencies for specific plugin versions.

There are several ways to access the data visualizer in MPLAB X IDE as shown below.

Table 2-2. Data Visualizer Access in MPLAB X IDE
Method Description
Data Visualizer icon:
Click on the icon or select “MPLAB Data Visualizer” from the drop-down menu to open the data visualizer in MPLAB X IDE.

Select “DVRT for Project Name” from the drop-down menu to open the data visualizer where the DVRT session is synchronized with the project’s ELF file. See 6.2.2 Automatically Loading the ELF File in the Plugin Data Visualizer.

MPLAB X IDE Menu: Window>Debugging>Data Visualizer Open the data visualizer.
MPLAB X IDE Menu: Window>Debugging>Power Monitoring Open the data visualizer for power monitoring

To see if an updated plugin version is available, go to Tools>Plugins>Updates and click Check for Updates. For more information on plugins, see the MPLAB X IDE documentation, “Add Plugin Tools.”