
Each I/O pin y can be controlled by the registers in PORT. Each PORT group has its own set of PORT registers, the base address of the register set for pin y is at byte address PORT + ([y] * 0x4). The index within that register set is [y].

Refer to the Pinout for details on available pin configuration and PORT groups.

Configuring Pins as Output

To use pin number y as an output, write bit y of the DIR register to '1'. This can also be done by writing bit y in the DIRSET register to '1' - this will avoid disturbing the configuration of other pins in that group. The y bit in the OUT register must be written to the desired output value.

Similarly, writing an OUTSET bit to '1' will set the corresponding bit in the OUT register to '1'. Writing a bit in OUTCLR to '1' will set that bit in OUT to zero. Writing a bit in OUTTGL to '1' will toggle that bit in OUT.

Configuring Pins as Input

To use pin y as an input, bit y in the DIR register must be written to '0'. This can also be done by writing bit y in the DIRCLR register to '1' - this will avoid disturbing the configuration of other pins in that group. The input value can be read from bit y in register IN as soon as the INEN bit in the Pin Configuration register (PINCFGy.INEN) is written to '1'.

By default, the input synchronizer is clocked only when an input read is requested. This will delay the read operation by two CLK_PORT cycles. To remove the delay, the input synchronizers for each PORT group of eight pins can be configured to be always active, but this will increase power consumption. This is enabled by writing '1' to the corresponding SAMPLINGn bit field of the CTRL register, see CTRL.SAMPLING for details.

Using Alternative Peripheral Functions

To use pin y as one of the available peripheral functions, the corresponding PMUXEN bit of the PINCFGy register must be '1'. The PINCFGy register for pin y is at byte offset (PINCFG0 + [y]).

The peripheral function can be selected by setting the PMUXO or PMUXE in the PMUXn register. The PMUXO/PMUXE is at byte offset PMUX0 + (y/2). The chosen peripheral must also be configured and enabled.