40.7.17 Waveform

Note: This register is write-synchronized: SYNCBUSY.WAVE must be checked to ensure the WAVE register bits synchronization is complete.
Name: WAVE
Offset: 0x3C
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Enable-Protected Bits, Write-Synchronized Bits

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 24, 25, 26, 27 – SWAP Swap DTI Output Pair x

Setting these bits enables output swap of DTI outputs [x] and [x+WO_NUM/2]. Note the DTIxEN settings will not affect the swap operation.

Note: This bit is not enable-protected. This bit is write-synchronized.

Bits 16, 17, 18, 19 – POL Channel Polarity x

Setting these bits enables the output polarity in single-slope and dual-slope PWM operations.

Note: This bit field is not enable-protected. This bit field is write-synchronized.
0SINGLESLOPEPOL0Compare output is initialized to ~DIR and set to DIR when TCC counter matches CCx value (single-slope PWM waveform generation).
1SINGLESLOPEPOL1Compare output is initialized to DIR and set to ~DIR when TCC counter matches CCx value (single-slope PWM waveform generation).
0DUALSLOPEPOL0Compare output is set to ~DIR when TCC counter matches CCx value (dual-slope PWM waveform generation).
1DUALSLOPEPOL1Compare output is set to DIR when TCC counter matches CCx value (dual-slope PWM waveform generation).
0DUALCOMPAREPOL0Compare output is initialized to ~DIR, set to DIR when TCC counter matches CCx value and set to ~DIR when TCC counter matches CC[x+WO_NUM/2] value (dual compare PWM waveform generation).
1DUALCOMPAREPOL1Compare output is initialized to DIR, set to ~DIR when TCC counter matches CCx value and set to DIR when TCC counter matches CC[x+WO_NUM/2] value (dual compare PWM waveform generation).

Bits 8, 9, 10, 11 – CICCEN Circular CC Enable x

Setting this bits enables the compare circular buffer option on channel. When the bit is set, CCx register value is copied-back into the CCx register on UPDATE condition.
Note: This bit is not enable-protected. This bit is write-synchronized.

Bit 7 – CIPEREN Circular Period Enable

Setting this bits enable the period circular buffer option. When the bit is set, the PER register value is copied-back into the PERB register on UPDATE condition.

Note: This bit is not enable-protected. This bit is write-synchronized.

Bits 6:4 – RAMP[2:0] Ramp Operation

These bits select Ramp operation (RAMP).

Note: This bit field is enable-protected. This bit field is not write-synchronized.
0x0RAMP1RAMP1 operation
0x1RAMP2AAlternative RAMP2 operation
0x2RAMP2RAMP2 operation
0x3RAMP2CCritical RAMP2 operation
0x4RAMP2CSCritical Swapped RAMP2 operation

Bits 2:0 – WAVEGEN[2:0] Waveform Generation Operation

These bits select the waveform generation operation. The settings impact the top value and control if frequency or PWM waveform generation should be used.

Note: This bit field is enable-protected. This bit field is not write-synchronized.
OperationTopUpdate Waveform Output

On Match

Waveform Output

On Update


Up Down

0x0NFRQNormal FrequencyPERTOP/ZeroToggleStableTOPZero
0x1MFRQMatch FrequencyCC0TOP/ZeroToggleStableTOPZero
0x2NPWMNormal PWMPERTOP/ZeroSetClearTOPZero
0x3DPWMDual Compare PWMPERTOP/ZEROSet/ClearClearTOPZero
0x4DSCRITICALDual-slope PWMPERZero~DIRStableZero
0x5DSBOTTOMDual-slope PWMPERZero~DIRStableZero
0x6DSBOTHDual-slope PWMPERTOP & Zero~DIRStableTOPZero
0x7DSTOPDual-slope PWMPERZero~DIRStableTOP