Closed Loop Mode
In closed loop mode the frequency is controlled by a tuner which measures the ratio between the DFLLULP output frequency and reference clock frequency. The reference clock is provided by a generic clock. The target ratio is written to the RATIO field in the Target Ratio Register (DFLLULPRATIO). When the oscillator is enabled, the output frequency will be tuned to the target frequency.
When the tuning is finished, the Lock bit in the OSCCTRL Status Register will be set (STATUS.DFLLULPLOCK). The No Lock bit in the Status register (STATUS.DFLLULPNOLOCK) will be set to indicate whether a frequency lock is achieved or not. The No Lock bit should be checked after the Lock bit has been set. Lock status is cleared when a new value is written to DFLLULPDLY. The DFLLULP will attempt to track any variation in the internal oscillator or reference clock, and will not release the lock. No Lock may be set after lock is achieved if the tuner ever reaches the minimum or maximum delay value.
Tuning starts from the delay value in DFLLULPDLY.DELAY. A write to DFLLULPDLY.DELAY while tuning is in progress will restart tuning from the newly written value. The tuned delay value can be read back from DFLLULPDLY.DELAY after requesting a synchronization via the Read Request bit (RREQ) in the DFLLULPRREQ register.
The accuracy of the tuner frequency comparison is limited by the inverse of the target ratio (1/RATIO). Larger ratios, i.e. much slower reference clocks will give better results.