25.9.9 Frequency Correction

Note: This register is write-synchronized: SYNCBUSY.FREQCORR must be checked to ensure the FREQCORR register synchronization is complete.
Offset: 0x14
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Write-Synchronized

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 – SIGN Correction Sign

0x0 The correction value is positive, i.e., frequency will be decreased.
0x1 The correction value is negative, i.e., frequency will be increased.

Bits 6:0 – VALUE[6:0] Correction Value

These bits define the amount of correction applied to the RTC prescaler.
0x0 Correction is disabled and the RTC frequency is unchanged.
0x1 - 0x7F The RTC frequency is adjusted according to the value.