37.2.4 I3C Bus Communication

The I3C Target module can be connected to a Legacy I2C Bus or an I3C Bus. The module can act as an I2C Target using static address in the I3CxSADR register until it is assigned a dynamic address by an I3C Controller or the Static Address SDR Mode is activated using the SASDRMD bit.

The Target can participate in the following types of transactions on the bus:

  1. Broadcast Common Command Code (CCC) Write
  2. Direct CCC Read/Write
  3. Private Read/Write
  4. Hot-Join Request
  5. In-Band Interrupt Request
  6. Legacy I2C Read/Write

The I3C Target module follows the typical SDR bus communication flow as outlined below in Figure 37-7.

Figure 37-7. I3C® Target Bus Communication Flowchart