3.3.1 Accumulated Current Quantities

The metrology module generates the following accumulated current (I2) quantities: I_A, I_B, I_C, I_Ni, I_Nm, I_Nmi, I_A_F, I_B_F, I_C_F and I_Nm_F.

I_x, I_x_F, I_Nm and I_Nm_F

These accumulators are in units of [Amp2samp scaled] in format [uQ24.40] and represent the accumulated scaled current quantities in the integration period. They are calculated according to the following formula:

Where, I_x_samplei is ith sampled current value of phase x in the present integration period; x = [A, B, C]; and N is the number of samples in the last measurement interval.

I_Ni, I_Nmi

These neutral currents are unscaled in units of [Amp2samp] and are computed directly from DSP-filtered baseband current channel data streams. These neutral currents are unscaled (not normalized by the K_Ix current sensor scale factors); therefore, these accumulators are all in units of (Amp2samples) in format [uQ44.20].

I_Nm is the accumulator for measured neutral current.

In the case of being multiplexed with temperature measurement acquisition, such as when using the PIC32CXMTC with an external ATSense-301, slightly less performance may be expected than DSP-filtered full bandwidth data, calculated according to the following formula:

Where, I_Nm_samplei is ith sampled measured neutral current value from current input I0 in the last integration period; and N is the number of samples in the last measurement interval.

I_Ni is the accumulator for imputed neutral current using full bandwidth (fundamental + harmonics) DSP-filtered baseband current channel data calculated according to the following formulas:

Where, I_Ni_samplei is ith sampled imputed neutral current value computed from the sum of all active current phase currents in the present integration period, and N is the number of samples in the last measurement interval.

I_Nmi is the accumulator for the difference between the sample-by-sample measured and imputed neutral currents. This integration is sensitive to both magnitude and/or phase differences between the measured and imputed neutral currents, calculated according to the following formula:

Where, I_Nm_samplei is ith sampled measured neutral current, I_Ni_samplei is ith sampled imputed neutral current value computed from the sum of all active current phase inputs in the present integration period, and N is the number of samples in the last measurement interval.

Name: I_A/I_B/I_C/I_Ni/I_Nm/I_Nmi/I_A_F/I_B_F/I_C_F/I_Nm_F
Offset: Metrology_Acc_Out[0-9]
Property: Read

Bit 6362616059585756 
Bit 5554535251504948 
Bit 4746454443424140 
Bit 3938373635343332 
Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Bit 76543210 

Bits 63:0 – I_x/I_x_F[63:0] Amp-Squared-Samples, uQ24.40 (I_x, I_x_F, I_Nm, I_Nm_F), uQ44.20 (I_Nm, I_Ni, I_Nmi)