8.2 Frame Transmit Procedure

A frame transmission comprises of two actions, a write to Frame Buffer and the transmission of its contents. Both actions can be run in parallel if required by critical protocol timing.

The following figure illustrates the ATSAMR30M18A frame transmit procedure, when writing and transmitting the frame consecutively. After a Frame Buffer write access, the frame transmission is initiated by asserting pin 11 (SLP_TR) or writing command TX_START to the TRX_CMD bits in the TRX_STATE register (TRX_STATE.TRX_CMD). For more information on registers, see the SAM R30 Data Sheet. The transceiver must be either in PLL_ON state for Basic Operating mode or TX_ARET_ON state for Extended Operating mode. The completion of the transaction is indicated by interrupt IRQ_3 (TRX_END).

Figure 8-2. Transaction between AT86RF212B and Microcontroller during Transmit

Alternatively, for time critical applications when the frame start transmission time needs to be minimized, a frame transmission task can be started first. Then it can be followed by the Frame Buffer write access event (populating PSDU data). This way the data to be transmitted needs to be written in the transmit frame buffer as the transceiver initializes and begins the SHR transmission.

By initiating a transmission, either by asserting pin 11 (SLP_TR) or writing a TX_START command to the TRX_CMD bits, the radio transceiver starts transmitting the SHR, which is internally generated.

Front end initialization takes one symbol period to settle PLL and ramp up the PA. SHR transmission takes another 40 symbol periods for BPSK or 10 symbol periods delay for O-QPSK. By this time, the PHR must be available in the Frame Buffer. Furthermore, the SPI data rate must be higher than the PHY data rate to avoid a Frame Buffer underrun, which is indicated by IRQ_6 (TRX_UR).

Figure 8-3. Time Optimized Frame Transmit Procedure

For more details about the internal interface lines like the SPI_Client Front End control, see the Microcontroller Interface section in the SAM R30 Data Sheet.

For more details about BUSY_TX, BUSY_RX, RX_ON, PLL_ON, SLEEP, RESET and other extended operating modes, see the Operating Modes section in the SAM R30 Data Sheet.

For more details about IEEE 802.15.4 Frame Format, Frame Filter, Frame Check Sequence, Received Signal Strength Indicator, Energy Detection, Clear Channel Assessment, Listen Before Talk (LBT) and Link Quality Indication (LQI), see the Functional Description section in the SAM R30 Data Sheet.

For more details about Security Module (AES), Random Number Generator and RX/TX Indicator, see the Extended Feature Set section in the SAM R30 Data Sheet.

In addition, refer to the available documentation, software sources and application notes for AT86RF212B.