The SAM V71 Xplained
Ultra kit contains two crystals that can
be used as clock sources for the SAM
V71 device. The crystals have cut-straps next to them that can be
used to measure the oscillator safety factor. This is done by cutting the strap and
adding a resistor across the strap. Information about oscillator allowance and safety
factor can be found in the Atmel application note AVR4100, information about clock calibration and compensation
can be found in the Atmel application note AT03155.
Table 4-19. External 32.768kHz CrystalSAM
pin | Function |
PA07 | XIN32 |
PA08 | XOUT32 |
Table 4-20. External 12MHz CrystalSAM
pin | Function |
PB09 | XIN |
PB08 | XOUT |
Info: The 12MHz
crystal selected for the SAM V71 Xplained
Ultra evaluation kit has a
load capacitance outside the specification from the ATSAMV71Q21 datasheet, see the errata section for more information.