3.2 Connecting to a PDI Target

The pinout for the 6-pin PDI connector is shown in Figure 4-5.

Note: Atmel AVR JTAGICE mkII units with hardware revision 0 do NOT have PDI capabilities. For more information on which hardware revision your unit is, see Hardware Revisions.

If your unit is revision 0, then PDI programming and debugging is not possible using this hardware. The JTAG interface (if available on your target device) does however provide the same functionality as PDI, although it uses I/O pins on the target device.

The pinout shown above is supported natively by the Atmel STK®600 as well as all future Atmel AVR XMEGA capable tools. In order to use the JTAGICE mkII with this pinout, it is necessary to make use of the XMEGA PDI adapter for JTAGICE mkII, which is available from your local Atmel representative.

Alternatively, the PDI interface can be connected using the multicolored "squid" cable, which is shipped with the JTAGICE mkII kit.

When connecting to a target that does not have the standard 6-pin header, you can use the squid cable between the JTAGICE mkII 10-pin JTAG connector on the probe and the target board. Four connections are required, and the table below describes where to connect them.

Note: The PDI_DATA is connected to pin 9 on the 10-pin JTAG connector compared to the normal pin 3 connection used on most tools.
Table 3-1. Connecting to PDI Using the Squid Cable
JTAGICE mkII probe Target pins Squid cable colors STK600 PDI pinout
Pin 1 (TCK)Black
Pin 2 (GND)GNDWhite6
Pin 3 (TDO)Grey
Pin 4 (VTref)VTrefPurple2
Pin 5 (TMS)Blue
Pin 6 (nSRST)PDI_CLKGreen5
Pin 7 (Not connected)Yellow
Pin 8 (nTRST)Orange
Pin 10 (GND)Brown