6 Power Supplies

The PIC32CM JH00/JH01 has the following power supply pins:

Table 6-1. Power Supply Pins
Name Associated GroundDescriptionVoltage Range (3)Decoupling Capacitors (3)
VDDIN = VDD (1)GNDPowers I/O lines, OSC48M and internal regulatorREG_37REG_7, REG_8
AVDD = VDD (1)AVSSPowers I/O lines, ADC, AC, DAC, PTC, OSCULP32K, OSC32K, and XOSC32KREG_37REG_17, REG_19
VDDIO (2)GNDPowers I/O lines and XOSCREG_37REG_4, REG_5
VDDCOREGNDInternal regulated voltage output. Powers the core, memories, peripherals, and FDPLL96M. Note: VDDCORE is not an input for an external power supply.REG_36REG_1, REG_3
  1. The same voltage must be applied to both the VDDIN and AVDD pins. This common voltage is referred to as VDD in the data sheet.
  2. VDDIO must always be less than or equal to VDDIN = AVDD = VDD.
  3. REG_X values: refer to Power Supply Electrical Specifications from the Electrical Characteristics chapter.

The PIC32CM JH00/JH01 voltage regulator offers two modes:

  • Normal mode: This is the default mode in active and idle modes.
  • Low-Power (LP) mode: The regulator can switch to this mode during Standby mode, depending on the STDBYCFG.VREGSMOD and the presence of sleepwalking peripherals. Refer to Table 19-4: Regulator State in Sleep Mode for additional information.
Figure 6-1.  Power Supplies Block Diagram