8.1 Configuring cryptoauthlib PKCS11 Library

By default, the following files are created:

  • /etc/cryptoauthlib/cryptoauthlib.conf
    # Cryptoauthlib Configuration File
    filestore = /var/lib/cryptoauthlib
  • /var/lib/cryptoauthlib/slot.conf.tmpl
    # Reserved Configuration for a device
    # The objects in this file will be created and marked as undeletable
    # These are processed in order. Configuration parameters must be comma
    # delimited and may not contain spaces
    interface = i2c,0xB0
    freeslots = 1,2,3
    # Slot 0 is the primary private key
    object = private,device,0
    # Slot 10 is the certificate data for the device's public key
    #object = certificate,device,10
    # Slot 12 is the intermediate/signer certificate data
    #object = certificate,signer,12
    # Slot 15 is a public key
    object = public,root,15