3.2 Proximity Sensor

An extension of the button is a proximity sensor. A single sensor node is monitored for a change in capacitance exceeding a pre-configured threshold. In the same way as the button, the sensor is considered to be ‘In Detect’ when that threshold is exceeded. Once in detect, a relative measurement of the contact distance is made by scaling the touch delta between two thresholds - the initial ‘Detect’ threshold and a second ‘Full Contact’ threshold.
Note: As the proximity sensor relies on the capacitive load of a distant object, the ‘apparent distance’ to the contact will depend on the shape and size of the contact.

I.e., an open hand in proximity at 10 cm will ‘appear’ closer than an extended finger at 10 cm, as it has a larger influence on capacitance due to a larger surface area at the same distance.

Capacitance (C) is proportional to Area (A) and inversely proportional to distance (d). Also, the grounding has a significant impact on sensitivity, and so does the range.
C A d