15.4.1 Data Structures

The container structure that holds the entire configuration of a binding layer is given below.
typedef struct qtm_control_tag 
	uint8_t binding_layer_flags; 

	module_init_t *library_modules_init;
	module_proc_t *library_modules_proc;
	module_acq_t  *library_modules_acq;

	module_arg_t *library_module_init_data_model;
	module_arg_t *library_module_proc_data_model;
	module_arg_t *library_modules_acq_dm;        

	qtm_acq_pp_t *qtm_acq_pp; 

	/* Callbacks for Binding layer */
	qtm_library_init_complete_t qtm_init_complete_callback;
	qtm_error_callback_t        qtm_error_callback;
	qtm_measure_complete_t      qtm_measure_complete_callback;
	qtm_pre_process_callback_t  qtm_pre_process_callback;
	qtm_post_process_callback_t qtm_post_process_callback;

} qtm_control_t;
Parameter Description
*library_modules_init Pointer to the array that contains the list of module initialization function pointers
*library_modules_proc Pointer to the array that contains the list of module post-processing function pointers
*library_modules_acq Pointer to the array that contains the list of acquisition module function pointers
*library_module_init_data_model Pointer to the array which contains the Data Pointers of the acquisition modules
*library_module_proc_data_model Pointer to the array which contains the Data Pointers of the post-processing modules
*library_modules_acq_dm Pointer to the array which contains the pointers of acquisition groups
qtm_init_complete_callback Callback provided by binding layer module after executing all the module initializations
qtm_error_callback Callback function triggered only if there is any error encountered by the binding layer during the module processes
qtm_measure_complete_callback Callback triggered by binding layer module after the completion of measurement and before post-processing
qtm_pre_process_callback Callback triggered after the acquisition process and before post processing. This is provided to enable the user to implement custom filtering modules.
qtm_post_process_callback Callback triggered by binding layer module after the completion of all the post-processing of modules