4.2.2 DUT Transmission in Low Impedance Mode

CAUTION: For this part of the test, the user has to set up the Configuration B, refer to the Figure 2-6.

Configure the DUT as transmitter:

  • Select “Transmission” in the DUT instance of the PHY Tester Tool, then press the Next button to continue.
  • In the Transmission Parameters tab:
    • Select “Perform EVM and SNR Test” in the reception parameters setup.
    • As DUT is connected in the low impedance setup, select the branch configuration as “Very Low Impedance”.
  • Click the Next button to continue.
Figure 4-1. Transmission Parameters Tab of DUT (Transmitter) for G3-PLC

Configure the DUT frames (transmitter):

  • Configuration of the frames must be already done with the following values:
    • Time Interval (ms): 100.
    • Number of frames: 100.
  • Click the Next button to continue.
  • In the last tab, Configuration Summary, check that all values correspond to the desired configuration and wait.

Configure the Reference Board as receiver:

  • Select “Reception” in the Reference instance of the PHY Tester Tool, then press the Next button to continue.
  • In the Reception Parameters tab:
    • Select “Perform EVM and SNR Test” in the reception parameters setup.
  • Click the Next button to continue.
Figure 4-2. Reception Parameters Tab of Reference Device (Receiver)

Configure the Reference Board frames (receiver):

  • Configuration of the frames must be already done with the following values:
    • Time Interval (ms): 100.
    • Number of frames: 100.
  • Click the Next button to continue.
  • In the last tab, Configuration Summary, check that all values correspond to the desired configuration and wait.

Run the test:

  1. Set an attenuation level of 0 dB.
  2. Perform the transmission test.
  • First, click the Start Test button of the receiver PHY Tester Tool instance (Reference board in this case).
  • Next, click the Start Test button transmitter PHY Tester Tool instance (DUT in this case).
  • Test with 0 dB of attenuation starts. Now, the transmission and reception process is observable in both Test Executions windows. If messages are different, the receiver will not recognize them as a valid. If the configured interval and number of frames are different, the statistics computed at the end of the test may be inaccurate. In both board’s displays, the transmitted/received messages display.

Store the EVM and SNR results in a spreadsheet:

Tip: Remember to mark the following information:

DUT operation (TX or RX) + DUT Position (HIGH or LOW) + AttenuationdB

  • Copy the table with the EVM and SNR results that appear in the receiver PHY Tester Tool instance (reference board in this case) by clicking the Copy Table button.
  • Paste the table in the corresponding spreadsheet created. Marking information can be TxLOW0dB where:
    • TX: DUT is operating as transmitter.
    • LOW: DUT is connected in the Low impedance mode.
    • 0 dB: The attenuation between the DUT and the reference is 0 dB.
  • The user must repeat the above steps varying the attenuation in each process of measurement (0 dB, 10 dB, 20 dB, 30 dB, 40 dB, 50 dB) and updating the spreadsheet with the obtained values. The user will find some attenuation (normally 50 dB or 60 dB) where the transmission will not be successful.
    Remember: More attenuation points provide more accurate results.