QSPI Timings

For the QSPI0 instance, the timings shown in the tables below are provided in the following domains:
  • 1.8V domain: VDDQSPI0 from 1.7V to 1.9V, maximum external capacitor: 10 pF, drive: 01 (Type A)
  • 3.3V domain: VDDQSPI0 from 3.0V to 3.6V, maximum external capacitor: 10 pF, drive: 01 (Type A)
For the QSPI1 instance, the timings shown in the table below are provided in the following domains:
  • 1.8V domain: VDDQSPI1 from 1.7V to 1.9V, maximum external capacitor: 10 pF, DRV: 1, SR: 0
  • 3.3V domain: VDDQSPI1 from 3.0V to 3.6V, maximum external capacitor: 10 pF, DRV: 0, SR: 0
Table 11-26. QSPI Timings in Single Data Rate Mode (STR)
fQSCKQSCK maximum frequency133MHz
QSPI0QIOx data in to QSCK falling edge (input setup time)1ns
QSPI1QIOx data in to QSCK falling edge (input hold time)1ns
QSPI2QSCK falling edge to QIOx delay01ns
Table 11-27. QSPI Timings in Double Data Rate Mode (DTR)
fQSPIQSCK operating frequency90MHz
tQSCK_MINMinimum SPCK period11.1ns
QSPI6CS low before QSCK edge (rising or falling)(1)2ns
QSPI7QSCK edge (rising or falling) to CS high(2)01ns
QSPI8QIOx input data setup to QSCK edge (rising or falling)1ns
QSPI9QIOx input data hold after QSCK edge (rising or falling)1ns
QSPI10QSCK edge (rising or falling) to QIOx delay01ns
  1. Refer to DLYCS and DLYBS descriptions in Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) for more configuration details.
  2. Refer to DLYBCT description in Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) for more configuration details.
Table 11-28. QSPI Timings in DTR Mode with Data Strobe (DQS) (QSPI0 Only)
fQSPIQSCK operating frequency200MHz
tQSCK_MINMinimum SPCK period5ns
QSPI11CS low before QSCK edge (rising or falling)(1)2ns
QSPI12QSCK edge (rising or falling) to CS high(2)01ns
QSPI13QIOx input skew to DQS edge (rising or falling)-0.81.4ns
QSPI14QSCK edge (rising or falling) to QIOx delay0tQSCK/4 + 0.6ns
  1. Refer to DLYCS and DLYBS descriptions in Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) for more configuration details.
  2. Refer to DLYBCT description in Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) for more configuration details.