Regular Data Transfer Command
This command is used for CCC transfers, private I3C/I2C SDR data transfers, and private I3C HDR transfers. The application must transfer the Write-data payload or retrieve the Read-data payload from DATA_PORT based on the type of the command (Read/Write). Single Regular Data Transfer command can be used for the payload, which can range from 0 to 65535 bytes. If the payload is more than 65535 bytes, the application must initiate Multiple Regular Data Transfer commands based on the required data length of the transfer.
The command structure of the Regular Data Transfer command is described in the following table.
Bits | Field Name | Memory Access | Reset Value | Description |
63:48 | DATA_LENGTH | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer Data Length Data Length field is used to indicate the length of the transfer in bytes. Note: This field must be set to a non-zero value,
except for CCCs that do not have a defined payload.
47:32 | Reserved | – | – | – |
31 | TOC | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer Terminate on Completion Controls which bus condition is issued after completion of the transfer. Values:
30 | ROC | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer Response on Completion Controls whether Response Status is required after successful completion of the Transfer command. The successful completion is read from RESPONSE_QUEUE_PORT register. The Response Status is always sent after an unsuccessful transfer. Values:
29 | RNW | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer R/ W Identifies the direction of this transfer. Values:
28:26 | MODE | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer
Speed and Mode Speed and mode of the transfer. This field is used to program the speed/mode in which I3C or I2C must be initiated by the I3CC. The value of this field is decoded based on whether the transfer is targeted to I3C device or I2C device as determined by the 'DEVICE' field in the Device address table pointed by the 'DEV_INDEX' field of the command. Values:
25:20 | Reserved | – | – | – |
19:16 | DEV_INDEX | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer Device Index Device Index indicates DAT table index, where information related to static and device addressing is stored. Field indicates target device addressed with the transfer. |
15 | CP | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer
Command Present Command present. Indicates whether CMD field is valid for CCC or HDR transfer. Values:
14:7 | CMD | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer CCC / HDR Command Code Value Transfer Command field specifies command code for CCC (8-bit) or HDR (7-bit). |
6:3 | TID | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer Transaction ID Transaction ID field is used as identification tag for the command. |
2:0 | CMD_ATTR | W | 0x0 | Data Transfer Command Attribute Command Attribute field defines Command type and bitfield format. Values: