Combo Transfer Command
This command is used to issue the ‘Write followed by Write transfer’ or ‘Write followed by Read transfer’ as a single atomic transaction. This command is used when the application must indicate the sub-address of the device first and then either write or read data from the sub-address pointed by the first write transfer. The first write transfer payload is embedded inside the command itself and the subsequent transfer Write-data/Read-data is written or accessed through DATA_PORT. The Combo Transfer is applicable to both I3C and I2C transfers. The command structure of the Combo Transfer command is described in the following table.
Bits | Field Name | Memory Access | Reset Value | Description |
63:48 | DATA_LENGTH | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer Data Length Data length field is used to indicate the length of the transfer in bytes. This field must be set to a non-zero value. |
47:32 | OFFSET/SUBOFFSET | – | – | Combo Transfer Offset / Sub-Offset Offset/sub-offset to select offset of target operation |
31 | TOC | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer
Terminate on Completion Controls which bus condition is issued after completion of the transfer. Values:
30 | ROC | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer
Response on Completion Response on completion controls whether Response Status is required after successful completion of the Transfer command. The successful completion is read from RESPONSE_QUEUE_PORT register. Response status is always sent upon unsuccessful transfer. Values:
29 | RNW | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer
R/ W This field identifies direction of the transfer. Values:
28:26 | MODE | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer
Speed and Mode This field is used to program the speed/mode in which I3C or I2C are to be initiated by the I3CC. The value of this field is decoded based on whether the transfer is targeted to a I3C device or I2C device as determined by the 'DEVICE' field in the Device address table pointed by the 'DEV_INDEX' field of the command. Values:
25 | 16_BIT_SUBOFFSET | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer
Sub-Offset Size Indicates whether the Sub-Offset is 8 or 16 bits long. Values:
24 | FIRST_PHASE _MODE | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer First Phase Mode Indicates whether the first phase of the combo transfer is executed in SDR mode, or the mode indicated by the MODE field. Values:
23:22 | DATA_LENGTH _POSITION | W | 0x0 | Data Length Field Position Indicates whether and where to put data length (DATA_LENGTH) in the first phase of the transfer. This field is only applicable if first phase of the transfer is executed in HDR mode. Whether 8-bit or 16-bit of data length field is used is indicated with 16_BIT_SUBOFFSET field. For 8-bit value, it is encoded in lower byte of DATA_LENGTH field. Values:
21:20 | Reserved | – | – | – |
19:16 | DEV_INDEX | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer Device Index Device Index indicates DAT table index where information related to static and device addressing is stored. Field indicates target device addressed with the transfer. |
15 | CP | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer Command Present Indicates whether the CMD field is valid for an HDR Transfer. Values:
14:7 | CMD | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer HDR Command Code Value Specifies the I3C command code (7 bits). This field is not supported by I3CC and must be set to ‘0’. |
6:3 | TID | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer Transaction ID Transaction ID field is used as an identification tag for the command. |
2:0 | CMD_ATTR | W | 0x0 | Combo Transfer Command Attribute Command attribute field defines Command type and bitfield format. Values: