21 AC/DC Characteristics and Timing Requirements

Table 21-1. AC/DC Characteristics and Timing Requirements
Parameter NumberSymbolCharacteristicMin.Max.UnitsConditions

Standard Operating Conditions

Operating Temperature: 0ºC to +70ºC. Programming at +25ºC is recommended.

D111VDDIOSupply voltage during programmingV(1)
D112aVDDCORECore power supply voltage during programmingV(1)
D112bVDDR1V8DDR SDRAM supply voltage during programmingV(1)
D113IDDPSupply current during programmingmA(1)
D114IPEAKInstantaneous peak current during start-upmA(1)
D115aIDDCORECore power supply current during programmingmA(1)
D115bIDDR1V8PDDR SDRAM supply current during programmingmA(1)
D116VDDVBATVBAT supply voltage during programmingV(1)
D117IDDVBATVBAT supply current during programmingmA(1)
D031VILInput low voltageV(1)
D041VIHInput high voltageV(1)
D080VOLOutput low voltageV(1)
D090VOHOutput high voltageV(1)
D012CIOCapacitive loading on I/O pin (PGEDx)pF(1)
D013CFFilter capacitor value on VCAPmF(1)
P1TPGCSerial clock (PGECx) period100ns
P1ATPGCLSerial clock (PGECx) low time40ns
P1BTPGCHSerial clock (PGECx) high time40ns
P6TSET2VDD ↑ setup time to MCLR100ns
P7THLD2Input data hold time from MCLR500ns
P9aTDLY4PE command processing time40ms
P9bTDLY5Delay between PGEDx ↓ by the PE to PGEDx released by the PE15ms
P11TDLY7Chip erase timems(1)
P12TDLY8Page erase timems(1)
P13TDLY9Row programming timems(1)
P14TRMCLR rise time to enter ICSP mode1.0ms
P15TVALIDData out valid from PGECx ↑10ns
P16TDLY8Delay between last PGECx ↓ and MCLR0s
P17THLD3MCLR ↓ to VDD100ns
P18TKEY1Delay from first MCLR ↓ to first PGECx ↑ for key sequence on PGEDx40ns
P19TKEY2Delay from last PGECx ↓ for key Sequence on PGEDx to second MCLR40ns
P20TMCLRHMCLR high time500µs
  1. For the minimum and maximum values for this parameter, refer to the Electrical Characteristics chapter in the specific device data sheet.