Building and Running the Basic MQTT Demo Application
Building the Application
To build this application, open the project file
in MPLAB X IDE. For more details on opening the project file in MPLAB X IDE, refer to
the Opening the
Project File. The following table provides details on the project file.
Project Name | Description |
basic_cloud_demo_sam_e54_xpro_rnwf02.X |
Running the Application
- Mount the RNWF02 Add On Board on SAM E54 Xplained Pro evaluation kit at respective header. For more details about the boards placement in the SAM E54 X-plained host board, see Figure
- Connect the debugger USB port on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro evaluation kit to computer using a micro-USB cable.
- Open the project and launch MCC Harmony3.
- Configure the RNWF02 Wi-Fi ProvisionMode credentials, using the RNWF02 Wi-Fi configuration options. For more details about the Wi-Fi settings configuration, See STA mode.
- Generate the code as illustrated below
Figure 6-102. Generating the Code - Build and program the code to the hardware using MPLABX IDE
Figure 6-103. Programming the Board - Open the Terminal application (for example, Tera Term or PuTTY) on the PC'
- Connect to the “EDBG Virtual COM
Port” and configure the serial settings as follows:
- Baud: 115200
- Data: 8 Bits
- Parity: None
- Stop: 1 Bit
- Flow Control: None
- Press the SW0 (Soft Reset) button on the host board.
- The board boots up. After successfully connecting with Wi-Fi, it connects to test.mosquitto.org on port 1883 (unencrypted).
- To demonstrate successful MQTT
connection, the board subscribes to topic mchp/sample/b and publishes a
message on the same topic. The received message is printed in the terminal.
Figure 6-104. Basic MQTT Demo Serial logs