2.2.1 Initialization

Perform the following steps for Bluetooth initialization.

  1. Double-click on MCHPRT2.exe to open the GUI tool and select the device from the drop down box.
  2. Select the interface as “I2C” when using “I2C” connection, and as “UART” when using serial bridge UART connection.
  3. Select the Mode as BLE from the drop down box, next to Mode.
  4. Click Connect.
    Figure 2-14. Bluetooth Initialization
  5. The process bar status displays Ready, after the initialization completes.
  6. Navigate to BLE comport tab under BLE.
  7. Select the COM port number and, select Baud rate as 115200.
  8. Click Open to connect to the selected COM port.
    Figure 2-15. Selecting COM Port
    To check if DTR is enabled, see 1.3 UART/I2C Pin Details .