42.6.4 ADC Result Registers

Each of the 39 analog input channels has an associated results register. To read the converted data write the ADC Module index n and the channel index k in the CORCHDATAID register:



Then read the data from the CHRDYDAT register. The captured data bits are stored in CHRDYDAT, together with the FRACT, SIGN, DIFF, and LVL settings associated with this input channel. CHRDYDAT is 16 bits wide. For more information on the data formats found in this field consult Output Data Formats.

When data from ADCn, input channel k, is ready to be read by the application the INTFLAGn.CHRDY[k] bit will be set. If the corresponding bit in INTENSETn has been set, then the interrupt associated with ADCn will fire. (To reset the CHRDY bit write one to it.) If the application does not read the new data before another sample arrives the Channel Overwritten Error flag (INTFLAGn.CHNERRC) bit will be set.