39.7.10 Usage Restriction

The SMC does not check the validity of the user-programmed parameters. If the sum of SETUP and PULSE parameters is larger than the corresponding CYCLE parameter, this leads to unpredictable behavior of the SMC.

  • For read operations:

Null but positive setup and hold of address and NRD and/or NCS can not be guaranteed at the memory interface because of the propagation delay of theses signals through external logic and pads. If positive setup and hold values must be verified, then it is strictly recommended to program non-null values so as to cover possible skews between address, NCS and NRD signals.

  • For write operations:

If a null hold value is programmed on NWE, the EBI can guarantee a positive hold of address and NCS signal after the rising edge of NWE. This is true for SMC MODE.WRITE MODE = 1 only. See Early Read Wait State.

  • For read and write operations:

A null value for pulse parameters is forbidden and may lead to unpredictable behavior.

In read and write cycles, the setup and hold time parameters are defined in reference to the address bus. For external devices that require setup and hold time between NCS and NRD signals (read), or between NCS and NWE signals (write), these setup and hold times must be converted into setup and hold times in reference to the address bus.