47.5.2 Receive Overflow

If the receive buffer is full when the protocol engine needs to transfer the data from SPIxSR to SPIxRXB, the SPI sets the receive overflow status flag (SPIxSTAT.SPIROV). During the overflow condition the SPI does not complete the data transfer from SPIxSR to SPIxRXB.

Ignore Receive Overflow

The SELCTRL.IGNROV bit controls how the SPI recovers from a receive overflow condition.

If IGNROV = 0 , the SPI does not push receive data into the SPIxRXB until the user clears both the overflow condition of the SPIxRXB (by reading data out of it) and the SPIROV (by writing it to zero).

If IGNROV = 1, the SPI does not require the user to clear the SPIROV bit to continue to receive data into the SPIxRXB. The user only needs to make room in the SPIxRXB (by reading data out of it).

Note: For either setting of IGNROV, once SPIROV is set, it remains so until software clears it or SPIxCTRL_*.ENABLE = 0.

Receive Overflow Interrupt Enable

The INTENSET.SPIROVEN bit controls SPI Error Interrupt generation from SPIROV. When SPIROVEN = 1, the SPI asserts its Error Interrupt persistent with SPIROV = 1. When SPIROVEN = 0, the SPI does not assert its Error Interrupt based on SPIROV.