12.10.2 PIE0

Peripheral Interrupt Enable Register 0
  1. The External Interrupt INT pin is selected by INTPPS.
  2. Bit PEIE in the INTCON register must be set to enable any peripheral interrupt controlled by registers PIE1 through PIE7. Interrupt sources controlled by the PIE0 register do not require the PEIE bit to be set to allow interrupt vectoring (when the GIE bit in the INTCON register is set).
Name: PIE0
Offset: 0x0096

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 5 – TMR0IE Timer0 Interrupt Enable

1 TMR0 interrupts are enabled
0 TMR0 interrupts are disabled

Bit 4 – IOCIE Interrupt-on-Change Enable

1 IOC interrupts are enabled
0 IOC interrupts are disabled

Bit 0 – INTE  External Interrupt Enable(1)

1 External interrupts are enabled
0 External interrupts are disabled
The External Interrupt INT pin is selected by INTPPS. Bit PEIE in the INTCON register must be set to enable any peripheral interrupt controlled by registers PIE1 through PIE7. Interrupt sources controlled by the PIE0 register do not require the PEIE bit to be set to allow interrupt vectoring (when the GIE bit in the INTCON register is set).