20.1 Introduction

The PolarFire® SoC Microcontroller Subsystem (MSS) is modeled with Microchip AMBA Bus Functional Model (BFM) to support functional simulation.

  1. For information on the supported instructions and the BFM commands syntax, see DirectCore Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture - Bus Functional Model User's Guide.

    The MSS BFM based simulation model provides a simulation environment for the PolarFire SoC FPGA fabric logic by replacing the MSS system block in a design. Simulation can be useful in the following applications:

    • Verifying the connectivity with the FPGA fabric logic.
    • Addressing peripherals, memories, and so on in the FPGA fabric that are connected to the MSS using the Fabric Interface Controllers (FICs).
    • Accessing MSS-DDR from the FPGA fabric initiator using FICs.
    • Accessing the Crypto from the FPGA fabric through AHB and streaming interface.
    • Generation of H2F and F2H interrupts.
    • Accessing MSS-CPU’s L2-LIM from the FPGA fabric initiator using FICs.
  2. PolarFire SoC MSS simulation model does not support simulation of any of the Peripherals, MSS CPU Core or Core Complex, DDR-RTL Simulation, Cached DDR, MPU, eNVM, and SCB bus.
  3. Older versions of this documentation, uses the terms Master and Slave. The equivalent Microchip terminology used in this document is Initiator and Target respectively.

The following figure shows the MSS Simulation Model Architecture:

Figure 20-1. MSS Simulation Model Architecture