17.1 Introduction

Libero® System-on-Chip (SoC) software provides a fully integrated Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) design environment. However, a few users might want to use third-party synthesis and simulation tools outside the Libero SoC environment. Libero can now be integrated into the FPGA design environment. It is recommended to use Libero SoC to manage the entire FPGA design flow.

This user guide describes the Custom Flow for PolarFire® and PolarFire SoC Family devices, a process to integrate Libero as a part of the larger FPGA design flow.

Supported Device Families

The following table lists the device families that Libero SoC supports. However, some information in this guide might only apply to a specific family of devices. In this case, such information is clearly identified.
Table 17-1. Device Families Supported by Libero SoC
Device Family Description
PolarFire® PolarFire FPGAs deliver the industry’s lowest power at mid-range densities with exceptional security and reliability.
PolarFire SoC PolarFire SoC is the first SoC FPGA with a deterministic, coherent RISC-V CPU cluster, and a deterministic L2 memory subsystem enabling Linux® and real-time applications.