9 Introduction

The I/O Editor displays all assigned and unassigned I/O macros and their attributes in a spreadsheet-like format. Use the I/O Editor to view, sort, filter, select, and set I/O attributes of the SmartFusion® 2, IGLOO® 2, RTG4™, or PolarFire® device.

The I/O attributes can be viewed by port name or by package pin. Click the Ports View tab to view I/O attributes by port name. Click the Pin View tab to view I/O attributes by pin name.

The I/O Editor provides the following views for I/O assignment and planning:

  • Port View—I/O spreadsheet sorted by port name
  • Pin View—I/O spreadsheet sorted by pin number
  • Package View—Package pin graphical view of the device
Note: The following views are also available:
  • Memory View—I/O view specific to the memory interface
  • IOD View—I/O view specific to the IOD Lane Controller interface
  • XCVR View—I/O view specific to the transceiver interface
  • Floorplanner View—Detailed cell-level device view of the entire chip
  • Netlist Viewer - Hier View—Post-synthesis hierarchical view
  • Netlist Viewer - Flat View—Post-compile flattened netlist view
Note: This user guide shows a PolarFire device in the example figures.