typedef struct  __attribute__((packed)) 
    uint16_t        releasedDelCount;   
    uint16_t        expiredDelCount;    
    uint16_t        cacheFullCount;     
    uint16_t        poolEmptyCount;     
    uint16_t        declinedCount;      
    uint16_t        arpFailCount;       
    uint16_t        echoFailCount;      
    uint16_t        icmpFailCount;      
    uint16_t        msgOvflCount;       
    uint16_t        icmpProbeCount;     
    uint16_t        arpInjectCount;     
    uint16_t        sktNotReadyCount;   



DHCP Server module statistics data.

DHCP server statistics maintained at run time


The symbol TCPIP_DHCPS_ENABLE_STATISTICS needs to be defined and != 0


releasedDelCountnumber of released DB entries that have been deleted to make room for other clients
expiredDelCountnumber of expired DB entries that have been deleted to make room for other clients
cacheFullCountnumber of times the allocation of a new hash entry in the DB failed
poolEmptyCountnumber of times the allocation of a new IP address from the pool failed
declinedCountnumber of times an IP address has been declined by a client
arpFailCountnumber of times an ARP set operation failed
echoFailCountnumber of times an ping operation failed
icmpFailCountnumber of times ICMP rejected a ping operation
msgOvflCountnumber of times a DHCP packet > then the reserved buffer for it was received
icmpProbeCountnumber of ICMP probes successfully sent
arpInjectCountnumber of ARP injections to send replies directly to clients
sktNotReadyCountnumber of failed send messagges because of no socket TX buffer