Library Interface

TCPIP_DHCPS_TASK_PROCESS_RATEDHCPS task processing rate, in milliseconds.
The DHCPS module will process a timer event with this rate for maintaining its own queues, processing timeouts, etc.
Choose it so that the other TMO are multiple of this
The default value is 200 milliseconds.
The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained
The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_DHCPS_CLIENT_ID_MAX_SIZEMaximum size of the client identifier field
Needs to be >= size of a MAC Address
Note: when a client is requesting a lease using a longer client ID, the ID will be truncated!
TCPIP_DHCPS_INTERFACE_COUNTMaximum number of interfaces on which DHCPs could run for this build
Note that this could be less than the maximum number of interfaces in the stack for this build (TCPIP_STACK_NETWORK_INTERAFCE_COUNT)!
TCPIP_DHCPS_MAX_LEASESMaximum number of leases that the DHCP server can support for an interface
The actual number of leases per interface could be smaller than this
Multiple of 32
TCPIP_DHCPS_ICMP_ECHO_DATA_SIZESize of the buffer when sending a ICMP echo request for address conflict detection
Should be between 8 and 32 bytes
TCPIP_DHCPS_ICMP_ECHO_RETRIESnumber of retries if ICMP is not able to send a ping
This should only happen if there are too many ICMP echo requests ongoing
TCPIP_DHCPS_OPTION_ROUTER_VALUESMaximum number of router values to be sent to clients
A value defined as 0 excludes that option
TCPIP_DHCPS_OPTION_DNS_VALUESMaximum number of DNS values to be sent to clients
A value defined as 0 excludes that option
TCPIP_DHCPS_OPTION_TIME_SERVER_VALUESMaximum number of time server values to be sent to clients
A value defined as 0 excludes that option
TCPIP_DHCPS_OPTION_NAME_SERVER_VALUESMaximum number of name server values to be sent to clients
A value defined as 0 excludes that option
TCPIP_DHCPS_OPTION_NTP_SERVER_VALUESMaximum number of NTP server values to be sent to clients
A value defined as 0 excludes that option
TCPIP_DHCPS_OPTION_T1_T2_SUPPRESSSuppress the 'renewal T1' and 'rebinding T2' options when replying to a client request
By default these options are enabled
TCPIP_DHCPS_REPORT_ERROR_EVENTEnable the report of error events using the event notification mechanism
TCPIP_DHCPS_REPORT_CLIENT_EVENTEnable the report of client events using the event notification mechanism
TCPIP_DHCPS_MAX_EVENT_REGISTRATIONSMaximum number of event registrations
If 0 or not defined, there is no event registration
TCPIP_DHCPS_DYNAMIC_DB_ACCESSAllow dynamic manipulation of the DHCPs DB
TCPIP_DHCPS_MULTI_THREADED_ACCESSEnable multi-threaded access
API Functions
TCPIP_DHCPS_IsEnabledDetermines if the DHCP Server is enabled on the specified interface.
TCPIP_DHCPS_DisableDisables the DHCP Server for the specified interface.
TCPIP_DHCPS_EnableEnables the DHCP Server for the specified interface.
TCPIP_DHCPS_LeaseEntriesGetGet the total and in use number of lease entries for the selected interface.
TCPIP_DHCPS_LeaseGetInfoGet the lease entry details for the requested lease index
TCPIP_DHCPS_LeaseGetInfoByIdGet the lease entry details for the requested client ID
TCPIP_DHCPS_LeaseRemoveRemove one entry from the DHCP server DB
TCPIP_DHCPS_LeaseRemoveByIdRemove one entry from the DHCP server DB
TCPIP_DHCPS_LeaseRemoveAllRemove all entries from the DHCP server DB
TCPIP_DHCPS_LeaseAddByIdAdd a lease to the DHCP server DB
TCPIP_DHCPS_ConfigureConfigure the DHCP server on multiple interfaces
TCPIP_DHCPS_StatisticsDataGetReturns the DHCPS statistics data
TCPIP_DHCPS_HandlerRegisterRegisters a DHCP server Handler
TCPIP_DHCPS_HandlerDeRegisterDeregisters a previously registered DHCP handler
TCPIP_DHCPS_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function
Data Types and Constants
TCPIP_DHCPS_CONFIG_FLAGSDHCP server configuration flags for a specific interface
TCPIP_DHCPS_CLIENT_OPTION_TYPEDHCP server options to be provided to the clients for a specific interface.
TCPIP_DHCPS_CLIENT_OPTION_CONFIGDHCP server configuration of client options
TCPIP_DHCPS_INTERFACE_CONFIGDHCP server configuration for a specific interface.
TCPIP_DHCPS_MODULE_CONFIGDHCP Server module runtime and initialization configuration data.
TCPIP_DHCPS_RESDHCPs operation result
TCPIP_DHCPS_EVENT_TYPEA DHCP Server reported event.
TCPIP_DHCPS_EVENT_HANDLERDHCP event handler prototype.
TCPIP_DHCPS_LEASE_INFODHCP Server module lease data
TCPIP_DHCPS_LEASE_SETDHCP Server module lease set data
TCPIP_DHCPS_STATISTICS_DATADHCP Server module statistics data