typedef struct {
uint16_t dhcpCliPort;
uint16_t dhcpSrvPort;
uint16_t duidType;
uint16_t nIanaDcpts;
uint16_t nIataDcpts;
uint16_t nFreeDcpts;
uint32_t defaultIanaT1;
uint32_t defaultIanaT2;
uint32_t defaultIataT1;
uint32_t defaultIataT2;
uint32_t ianaSolicitT1;
uint32_t ianaSolicitT2;
uint32_t solicitPrefLTime;
uint32_t solicitValidLTime;
int nMsgBuffers;
int msgBufferSize;


DHCPv6 module configuration.


configFlagsDHCPv6 client configuration flags.
dhcpCliPortClient port for DHCPv6 client transactions.
dhcpSrvPortRemote server port for DHCPv6 server messages.
duidTypeTCPIP_DHCPV6_DUID_TYPE: type to use for the DHCPv6 clients.
nIanaDcptsNumber of IANAs per client; default should be 1.
nIataDcptsNumber of IATAs per client; default should be 0.
nFreeDcptsNumber of free IAs per client - they could be added at run time; default should be 0.
defaultIanaT1The default time at which the client contacts the server to extend the lifetimes of the assigned IA_NA addresses If the IANA t1 value received from the server is 0, then this value will be used to override A value of 0 means the t1 is infinite default value should be 0.
defaultIanaT2The default time at which the client contacts any available server to extend the lifetimes of the assigned IA_NA addresses If the IANA t2 value received from the server is 0, then this value will be used to override if !0 it should be > defaultIanaT1! Has to be > t1 A value of 0 means the t2 is infinite default value should be 0.
defaultIataT1The default time at which the client contacts the server to extend the lifetimes of the assigned IATA addresses If 0, the timeout will be infinite (0xffffffff).
defaultIataT2The default time at which the client contacts any available server to extend the lifetimes of the assigned IA_TA addresses if !0 it should be > defaultIataT1! If 0, the timeout will be infinite (0xffffffff).
ianaSolicitT1The default T1 time to solicit from the server default should be 0.
ianaSolicitT2The default T2 time to solicit from the server default should be 0.
solicitPrefLTimeDefault addresses preferred lifetime to solicit from the server default should be 0.
solicitValidLTimeDefault addresses valid lifetime to solicit from the server default should be 0.
nMsgBuffersNumber of message buffers to allocate for this client these buffers are used for the TX/RX operations Enough buffers need to be allocated for gathering server advertisements and being able to transmit messages default should be 4.
msgBufferSizeSize of the message buffers default is 512 bytes.