2.4.2 Generated Code Overview

To generate the code designed with MCC, click the Generate button. Then, to continue the application development, close the MCC. The MCC generated files can be seen in the Projects tab, under the created project.

Figure 2-21. MCC Generated Files

The generated files are included in the main source file and the system is initialized. The generated code for main.c is presented below.

Code Listing 1 – Main Generated File

#include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"

    Main application
int main(void)
    /* Initializes MCU, drivers and middleware */

    /* Replace with your application code */
    while (1)
    End of File

The SYSTEM_Initialize function is used to initialize the system and all the peripheral modules, as configured earlier using MCC: The system clock, the ADC, the USART, and the VREF.

Info: All the required functions to implement an algorithm using ADC0, USART0, and VREF are already generated by the MCC.

The generated files provide ADC and USART functions that will help the user to implement the algorithm. The functions of interest for this application are ADC0_GetDiffConversion and USART1_Write. Their implementation in the MCC generated files is presented in the code listings below.

Code Listing 2 – ADC Function Used to Obtain the Differential Conversion Result

diff_adc_result_t ADC0_GetDiffConversion(adc_0_channel_t channel, adc_0_muxneg_channel_t channel1)
	diff_adc_result_t res;

	ADC0_StartDiffConversion(channel, channel1);
	while (!ADC0_IsConversionDone());
	res = ADC0_GetConversionResult();
	return res;

Code Listing 3 – USART Function Used to Transmit the ADC Result

void USART1_Write(const uint8_t data)
    while (!(USART1.STATUS & USART_DREIF_bm)) ;
    USART1.TXDATAL = data;