2.6 Stop Condition

The I2C Specification defines a Stop condition as the transition of the SDA line from an Active state to an Idle state while the SCL line is idle. The host will issue a Stop condition once the transactions have been completed and it is ready to release the control of the bus, or if a bus time-out occurs. If the SDA line transitions low and then high again while the SCL line is high, the Stop condition is ignored and a Start/Restart condition will be detected by the receiver (see Figure 2-7).

Important: At least one SCL low period must appear before a Stop condition is valid.
Figure 2-7. Stop Condition
  1. At least one SCL low time must appear before a Stop is valid.
  2. See device data sheet for Stop condition setup times.
  3. See device data sheet for Stop condition hold times.

After the ACK/NACK sequence of the final byte of the transmitted/received I2C packet, hardware pulls the SCL line low for TSCL/2, and then releases SCL. Hardware samples SCL to ensure a logic high level. SDA is then released, and the transition of SDA from low to high while SCL is high causes the Stop Condition Interrupt Flag (PCIF) bit to be set.