rlmstat -avail command

The rlmstat -avail command reports on license availability for a specified license, a specified ISV, or all licenses from all ISVs.


rlmstat -avail [-i isv] [-p product] [-b]

If -i isv is specified, only licenses from the selected isv are displayed.

If -p product is specified, only the selected product is displayed.

If -b is specified, license availability is combined across license servers.

Note that if you are looking for the availability of a license from a particular ISV, it is more efficient to specify the ISV name in the command. If you do not specify the ISV name, rlmstat must contact the rlm server to request a list of ISV servers, then request information from each ISV server. If you specify the ISV, then only that ISV server is contacted.

Note also that there are situations when you may not be able to check out a license that is listed as available. This can happen if, for example, you are on the EXCLUDE list for a particular product, not on the INCLUDE list, already exceeded your MAX usage, etc.

Also note that you might be able to check out one that is listed as not available. This could happen if that license is shared and you can share an existing checked-out license, or if one of the reservations for the license is for you (rlmstat -avail lists free available licenses; reservations are not generally available).

Example rlmstat -avail output:

% rlmstat -avail -i reprise

rlmstat v9.1

Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

License availability for all products from ISV "reprise"

server host: telecard (port 5053)

test1 v1.000 available: 15

test1 v1.000 hostid: a8c00301 available: 10

test5 v3.000 hostid: a8c00301 available: 2

test5 v3.000 available: 10

test v1.000 available: 10

server host: spinout (port 5053)

test1 v1.000 available: 15

test1 v1.000 hostid: a8c00301 available: 10

test5 v4.000 hostid: ip= available: unlimited test5 v2.300 available: 15

test5 v3.000 hostid: a8c00301 available: unlimited

test5 v3.000 available: 73

Example rlmstat -avail -b output (same situation as above):

% rlmstat -avail -i reprise -b

rlmstat v9.1

Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

License availability for all products from ISV "reprise"

ISV: reprise

test1 v1.000 available: 30

test1 v1.000 hostid: a8c00301 available: 20

test5 v3.000 hostid: a8c00301 available: unlimited

test5 v3.000 available: 83

test5 v4.000 hostid: ip= available: unlimited test5 v2.300 available: 15