rlmstat - obtains status from the license servers

Usage: rlmstat [-a] [ -c license_path] [-f] [-i [isv] ] -I [-l [ isv] ] [-n [host] ] [-p [product] ] [-u [user] ] [-z password]

rlmstat retrieves status from the license servers and prints it. Control over the status retrieved from rlmstat is specified as follows:

OptionParameter (meaning if present)Result
-a(no parameters)Print all status from rlm and all ISV servers
-clicense pathSpecified the directory containing license files
-avail[-i isv] [-p product] -bReports free license availability (see below)
-f“full” license listingReports more information about the licenses in use.
-idisplay this isv onlyDisplay license checkout info from ISVs
-IDisplay isv-defined checkout data“[I: isv-data]” appended to each user line
- ldisplay this isv onlyDisplay license pooling info from ISVs
-ndisplay licenses from this host onlyDisplay license checkout info from ISVs
-pdisplay licenses for this product onlyDisplay license checkout info from ISVs
-udisplay licenses from this user onlyDisplay license checkout info from ISVs
-zlicense passwordSupplies password to license server

Example rlmstat output:

% rlmstat -a

rlmstat v9.1

Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

rlm status on bigserver (port 5053), up 00:03:51

rlm software version v9.1 (build:3)

rlm comm version: v1.1

Startup time: Wed Jul 6 13:27:42 2011

Todays Statistics (00:03:50), init time: Wed Jul 6 13:27:43 2011

Recent Statistics (00:03:50), init time: Wed Jul 6 13:27:43 2011

--------- ISV servers ----------

Recent StatsTodays StatsTotal Stats
Messages:9 (0/sec)9 (0/sec)9 (0/sec)
Connections:7 (0/sec)7 (0/sec)7 (0/sec)

Name Port Running Restarts

reprise 62503 Yes 0


reprise ISV server status on bigserver (port 62503), up 00:03:49

reprise software version v9.1 (build: 3)

reprise comm version: v1.1

reprise Debug log filename: <stdout>

reprise Report log filename: <stdout>

Startup time: Wed Jul 6 13:27:44 2011

Todays Statistics (00:03:49), init time: Wed Jul 6 13:27:44 2011

Recent Statistics (00:03:49), init time: Wed Jul 6 13:27:44 2011

Recent StatsTodays StatsTotal Stats
Messages:17 (0/sec)17 (0/sec)17 (0/sec)
Connections:6 (0/sec)6 (0/sec)6 (0/sec)
Checkouts:2 (0/sec)2 (0/sec)2 (0/sec)
Denials:0 (0/sec)0 (0/sec)0 (0/sec)
Removals:0 (0/sec)0 (0/sec)0 (0/sec)


reprise license pool status on bigserver (port 62503)

test v1.0

count: 1, # reservations: 0, inuse: 1, exp: 1-jan-0

obsolete: 0, min_remove: 20, transactions: 1

test2 v1.0

count: 1, # reservations: 0, inuse: 1, exp: 1-jan-0

obsolete: 0, min_remove: 20, transactions: 1

test3 v1.0

count: 100, # reservations: 0, inuse: 0, exp: 1-jan-0

obsolete: 0, min_remove: 20, transactions: 0


reprise license usage status on bigserver (port 62503)

test v1.0: joe@library 1/0 at 07/06 13:27 (handle: 41)

test2 v1.0: sam@kitchen 1/0 at 07/06 13:28 (handle: 81)

In this output, the first section (before the line of dashed lines ---------) is the status of the rlm server, the next section is the status of the ISV server reprise (there would actually be one section of status for each ISV server if there were more than one running). Next comes the license pool info for each ISV server (again, only one section for the reprise server), followed by the actual license usage information.

Also, please note that the expiration date shown in this output is the expiration date of the first license to expire out of all the licenses used to create the license pool in the license server. When more than one license is used to create a single license pool (licenses are combined when all relevant parameters of two different licenses match), then only the earliest expiration date is shown. The other license(s) may have any expiration date that has not yet expired. To determine the expiration date of all licenses used to make up a license pool the actual license file must be consulted. Also note that licenses from different license files could be combined to make a single license pool.

The meaning of the license usage line:

test v1.0: joe@library 1/0 at 07/06 13:27 (handle: 41)

is as follows:

test is the product name

v1.0 is the license version (from the license file) for test

joe is the user who is using the license

library is the host on which tom is using the license

(41) is the license handle in the server. This handle is used by the rlmremove command.

1/0 indicates that 1 unreserved and 0 reserved licenses are in use

at 07/06 13:28 is the time the licenses were checked out

and if the optional “-I” switch is specified, the following will be appended to the line, if there is any isv-defined checkout data:

[I: isv-data]

where “isv_data” is the isv-defined checkout data.

If the -f option is used with rlmstat, additional information about the license usage will be displayed. -f is available in RLM v12.5, and in v12.5, the additional information displayed is the requested version, displayed as such:

test v1.0 (req: v0.8): joe@library 1/0 at 07/06 13:27 (handle: 41)