3.2.2 Compile and Debug

Microchip's SoftConsole is a free Eclipse-based IDE that enables the rapid production of C and C++ executables for Microchip FPGA and cSoCs using Cortex-M3, Cortex-M1 and Core8051s. For SmartFusion support, SoftConsole includes the GNU C/C++ compiler and GDB debugger. Additional examples can be found on the SoftConsole page:

IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM/Cortex is an integrated development environment for building and debugging embedded ARM applications using assembler, C and C++. It includes a project manager, editor, build and debugger tools with support for RTOS-aware debugging on hardware or in a simulator.

Keil's Microcontroller Development Kit comes in two editions: MDK-ARM and MDK Basic. Both editions feature μVision®, the ARM Compiler, MicroLib, and RTX, but the MDK Basic edition is limited to 256K so that small applications are more affordable.

Software IDESoftConsoleVision IDEEmbedded Workbench
Free versions from SoC Products GroupFree with Libero SoC32 K code limited32 K code limited
Available from VendorN/AFull versionFull version
CompilerGNU GCCRealView C/C++IAR ARM Compiler
DebuggerGDB debugVision DebuggerC-SPY Debugger
Instruction Set SimulatorNoVision SimulatorYes
Debug HardwareFlashPro4ULINK2 or ULINK-MEJ-LINK or J-LINK Lite