15.8 INTn Pin Interrupts
PIC18F27/47Q10 devices have 3 external interrupt sources which can be assigned to any pin on PORTA and PORTB
using PPS. The external interrupt sources are edge-triggered. If the corresponding INTxEDG
bit in the INTCON15.13.1 INTCON register is set (= 1
), the interrupt is triggered by a rising edge. It the bit is clear, the
trigger is on the falling edge.
All external interrupts (INT0, INT1, INT2) can wake-up the processor from Idle or Sleep modes if bit INTxE was set prior to going into those modes. If the Global Interrupt Enable bit (GIE/GIEH) is set, the processor will branch to the interrupt vector following wake-up.
Interrupt priority is determined by the value contained in the corresponding interrupt priority bit (INT0P, INT1P, INT2P) of the IPR015.13.18 IPR0 register.