8.8 Source Control: Local History

MPLAB X IDE has a built-in local file history feature, a benefit of the NetBeans platform. This feature provides built-in versioning support for local projects and files that is similar to conventional version control systems. Available tools include a local DIFF and file restoration.

To see local history for a file, either:

  • Click on the History button on an Editor window
  • right click on the file in the Projects or Files window and select History > Show History

Any past changes to the file should be listed there.

Figure 8-7. Local History in Editor Window
Table 8-5. Local History Context Menu
Menu ItemDescription
Revert from HistoryTo revert to a previous version. The Revert to dialog opens with any previous versions of the document. Select one and click OK to revert to that version.
Delete from HistoryTo delete changed from history.

To revert items deleted from history, right click on the file in the Projects or Files window and select History > Revert Deleted.

Show only rows whereRight click under the Date column to select date filtering (Date == or Date < >).

Right click under the Message column to select message filtering (Message == or Message < >).