36.8.14 Status

Note: This register is read- and write-synchronized: SYNCBUSY.STATUS must be checked to ensure the STATUS register synchronization is complete.
Offset: 0x30
Reset: 0x00000001
Property: Write-Synchronized, Read-Synchronized

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000001 

Bits 24, 25, 26, 27 – CMP Channel x Compare Value

This bit reflects the channel x output compare value.

0 Channel compare output value is 0.
1 Channel compare output value is 1.

Bits 16, 17, 18, 19 – CCBUFV Channel x Compare or Capture Buffer Valid

For a compare channel, this bit is set when a new value is written to the corresponding CCBUFx register. The bit is cleared either by writing a '1' to the corresponding location when CTRLB.LUPD is set, or automatically on an UPDATE condition.

For a capture channel, the bit is set when a valid capture value is stored in the CCBUFx register. The bit is automatically cleared when the CCx register is read.

Bits 14, 15 – FAULT Non-recoverable Fault x State

This bit is set by hardware as soon as non-recoverable Fault x condition occurs.

This bit is cleared by writing a one to this bit and when the corresponding FAULTxIN status bit is low.

Once this bit is clear, the timer/counter will restart from the last COUNT value. To restart the timer/counter from BOTTOM, the timer/counter restart command must be executed before clearing the corresponding STATEx bit. For further details on timer/counter commands, refer to available commands description (CTRLBSET36.8.3 Control B Set.CMD).

Bit 13 – FAULTB Recoverable Fault B State

This bit is set by hardware as soon as recoverable Fault B condition occurs.

This bit can be clear by hardware when Fault B action is resumed, or by writing a '1' to this bit when the corresponding FAULTBIN bit is low. If software halt command is enabled (FAULTB.HALT=SW), clearing this bit will release the timer/counter.

Bit 12 – FAULTA Recoverable Fault A State

This bit is set by hardware as soon as recoverable Fault A condition occurs.

This bit can be clear by hardware when Fault A action is resumed, or by writing a '1' to this bit when the corresponding FAULTAIN bit is low. If software halt command is enabled (FAULTA.HALT=SW), clearing this bit will release the timer/counter.

Bit 11 – FAULT1IN Non-Recoverable Fault 1 Input

This bit is set while an active Non-Recoverable Fault 1 input is present.

Bit 10 – FAULT0IN Non-Recoverable Fault 0 Input

This bit is set while an active Non-Recoverable Fault 0 input is present.

Bit 9 – FAULTBIN Recoverable Fault B Input

This bit is set while an active Recoverable Fault B input is present.

Bit 8 – FAULTAIN Recoverable Fault A Input

This bit is set while an active Recoverable Fault A input is present.

Bit 7 – PERBUFV Period Buffer Valid

This bit is set when a new value is written to the PERBUF register. This bit is automatically cleared by hardware on UPDATE condition when CTRLB.LUPD is set, or by writing a '1' to this bit.

Bit 6 – WAVEBUFV Waveform Control Buffer Valid

This bit is set when a new value is written to the WAVEBUF register. This bit is automatically cleared by hardware on UPDATE condition when CTRLB.LUPD is set, or by writing a '1' to this bit.

Bit 5 – PATTBUFV Pattern Generator Value Buffer Valid

This bit is set when a new value is written to the PATTBUF register. This bit is automatically cleared by hardware on UPDATE condition when CTRLB.LUPD is set, or by writing a '1' to this bit.

Bit 4 – SLAVE Client

This bit is set when TCC is set in Client mode. This bit follows the CTRLA.MSYNC bit state.

Bit 3 – DFS Debug Fault State

This bit is set by hardware in Debug mode when DDBGCTRL.FDDBD bit is set. The bit is cleared by writing a '1' to this bit and when the TCC is not in Debug mode.

When the bit is set, the counter is halted and the Waveforms state depend on DRVCTRL.NRE and DRVCTRL.NRV registers.

Bit 2 – UFS Non-recoverable Update Fault State

This bit is set by hardware when the RAMP index changes and the Lock Update bit is set (CTRLBSET.LUPD). The bit is cleared by writing a one to this bit.

When the bit is set, the waveforms state depend on DRVCTRL.NRE and DRVCTRL.NRV registers.

Bit 1 – IDX Ramp Index

In RAMP2 and RAMP2A operation, the bit is cleared during the cycle A and set during the cycle B. In RAMP1 operation, the bit always reads zero. For details on ramp operations, refer to Ramp Operations.

Bit 0 – STOP Stop

This bit is set when the TCC is disabled either on a STOP command or on an UPDATE condition when One-Shot operation mode is enabled (CTRLBSET.ONESHOT=1).

This bit is clear on the next incoming counter increment or decrement.

0 Counter is running.
1 Counter is stopped.