Setup ITM Trace

Under “Option categories,” select “Trace and Profiling.”
  1. Under “Data Collection Selection,” choose “ITM Trace.”
  2. Select an “ITM baud rate” to specify the SWO speed. The clock and this value will be used to determine the SWO prescaler value.
    Note: The emulator has a finite set of SWO baud rates that it can use: 512KHz, 1MHz, 2MHz, and 4MHz.
    Note: It is advised that if clock switching is involved in the application, the SWO baud rate is setup for the intended clock rate at which SWO functionality is desired.
  3. For some SAM devices, you will need to add a .ini file for additional ITM setup. See Software Implementation.
  4. Change any logging setup as desired.
  5. Click OK when done.