Configure Dashboard

A slider control can now be added to the dashboard.

  • Select the Edit checkbox
  • Open the Elements tab
  • Drag a Slider element onto the dashboard
A slider control needs to have some configuration parameters.
Todo: Select the slider element and set its properties:
  • Maximum = 500
  • Minimum = 100
A segment display control can now be added to the dashboard.
  • Select the Edit checkbox
  • Open the Elements tab
  • Drag a Segment Display element onto the dashboard
A segment display control needs to have some configuration parameters.
Todo: Select the segment display element and set its properties:
  • Segment Count = 3
The slider control can now be used as a source which can be connected to any relevant sink in Data Visualizer. The segment display can similarly be used as a sink to connect any relevant source to.

The Code Profiling data polling interface provides both a source of data and a sink of data. The slider can now be connected to the sink and the segment display to the source.

  • Deselect the Edit checkbox
  • Select the Show Endpoints checkbox
  • Connect sources to sinks by dragging each source plug and drop it on a sink