Library Interface

Emulated EEPROM library provides the following interfaces:


EMU_EEPROM_InitializeInitializes the EEPROM Emulator library
EMU_EEPROM_StatusGetGets the current status of the EEPROM Emulator library
EMU_EEPROM_FormatMemoryErases the entire emulated EEPROM memory space
EMU_EEPROM_ParametersGetReturns EEPROM Emulation configuration parameters
EMU_EEPROM_PageBufferCommitCommits any cached data to physical non-volatile memory
EMU_EEPROM_PageWriteWrites a page of data to an emulated EEPROM memory page
EMU_EEPROM_PageReadReads a page of data from an emulated EEPROM memory page
EMU_EEPROM_BufferWriteWrites a buffer of data to the emulated EEPROM memory space
EMU_EEPROM_BufferReadReads a buffer of data from the emulated EEPROM memory space

Data types and constants

EMU_EEPROM_STATUSEnumIdentifies the current status/state of EEPROM operation
EMU_EEPROM_PARAMETERSStructProvides different Emulated EEPROM configuration paramters