Library Interface

AT25DF driver library provides the following interfaces:


DRV_AT25DF_InitializeInitializes the AT25DF FLASH device
DRV_AT25DF_StatusGets the current status of the AT25DF driver module
DRV_AT25DF_OpenOpens the specified AT25DF driver instance and returns a handle to it
DRV_AT25DF_CloseCloses the opened-instance of the AT25DF driver
DRV_AT25DF_ReadReads 'n' bytes of data from the specified start address of FLASH
DRV_AT25DF_WriteWrites 'n' bytes of data starting at the specified address
DRV_AT25DF_PageWriteWrites one page of data starting at the specified address
DRV_AT25DF_SectorEraseErase the sector from the specified block start address
DRV_AT25DF_BlockEraseErase a block from the specified block start address
DRV_AT25DF_ChipEraseErase entire flash memory
DRV_AT25DF_TransferStatusGetGets the current status of the transfer request
DRV_AT25DF_GeometryGetReturns the geometry of the device
DRV_AT25DF_EventHandlerSetAllows a client to identify a transfer event handling function for the driver to call back when the requested transfer has finished

Data types and constants

DRV_AT25DF_TRANSFER_STATUSEnumDefines the data type for AT25DF Driver transfer status
DRV_AT25DF_GEOMETRYStructDefines the data type for AT25DF FLASH Geometry details
DRV_AT25DF_EVENT_HANDLERTypedefPointer to a AT25DF Driver Event handler function